1 min read

Figuring it out

In late 2017, I launched supporting membership for my newsletter, Anne Libby On Management.  It’s about being human, while managing people at work.  And other work related topics.  Currently it’s over here, and I’ve experimented with a couple of payment mechanisms for supporters.

I’ve shared a bit about my evolving relationship with blogging, and my decision to invest my writing energy with my newsletter.  It’s about spending less time shouting into the void, and more time being thoughtful.

Rather than building my so-called brand, or trying to scale (lol), I’m seeking to go deeper.

And I want to find a more sustainable ways of sharing my  — is it extramural? — thinking about what work, management, and organizations need to be.  From a dead-on practical perspective.  Because I’m a practitioner.

And we all need to go to work tomorrow and actually do all of the things.  Preferably the right things.

Click here for more on the newsletter, and supporting member benefits.  

To become a supporting member, click below!

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