Hi, I’m Anne Libby. On Management is my newsletter about managing people and the workplace. I send emails once or twice a month*, usually on Sundays. Sometimes it’s a deep dive. Sometimes it’s my brief not-so-hot take.
Emerging managers in the NYC tech/startup community inspired me to write about managing and the workplace. People wanted to learn and grow, so they looked for resources on people management. They were finding stuff on the Internet. It wasn't all good.
My goal is to surface points of view and resources you might not run across on social media. To talk about ways we're all co-creating the so-called future of work, with choices we make every day. To provide practical information, things you can act on. Also, to be interesting, insightful, and sometimes weird.
On Management readers work in tech, startups, media, and venture. And, also, in small businesses, not-for-profits, academia, libraries, large enterprises, and government. They're curious people; I'm fortunate that they spend time with my newsletter.
I endeavor to balance my affection for my professional community with my skepticism about tech, media, and cheerleading about changing the world. And everything that crosses our feeds about app-enabled, algorithmically-managed, futures of work. Also, the gig and creator economies.
A stalwart group of readers support my newsletter financially. It's not an impulse buy, lol; most received On Management for a while before joining.
*Free subscribers also receive quarterly pledge-drive-forward emails, inviting you to join the ranks of supporters. If this is not your jam, please do not smash the subscribe button!